Project A4 Contact

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Project A4: Grammar Formalisms and Parsing is a subproject of the Consortium MiLCA funded by the Federal Ministry for Education, falling within the perimeters of the Federal program ``New Media in Education''. The A4 project is dedicated to the designing of a course in computational linguistics, the fitting together of linguistic theory development, its mathematical basis; computational linguistic implementation, and its necessary programming methods. The focal point of the web-based course developed here is the TRALE-system for the implementation of fragments of natural languages in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG).

Our partners Detmar Meurers from Ohio State University, USA and Gerald Penn from the University of Toronto, Canada are contributing significantly to the development of the software for Project A4.

MILCA-Home Page Universität Tübingen Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft Projektträger