Virtueller Kurs Computerlexikographie: Warming-Up Exercise

Warming Up - Exercise

  1. TULKA - Chatroom with Whiteboard
    • Log in to the chat tool TULKA from an existing browser window.
    • Try to write and paint sth. on the whiteboard.
    • Look at the "awareness" window. Who is present at the moment?
    • Open the separate chat window and try out the special features ("show for who", "timestamps"). Close the window.
    • Enter a group chatroom. Who is present there? Change to the classroom again.
    • Choose a file for upload in the whiteboard (see list on the right side of the board for the current set of slides or choose another set using the "Slides" button).
    • Write or draw sth. into the uploaded file.
    • Leave the chatroom

  2. ILIAS - Learning Platform
    • Log in to the learning platform ILIAS. You will now see your "Personal Desktop".
    • Change your password by clicking on the corresponding button
    • Enter the "Personal Profile" and fill in your personal data
    • Use the menubar at the top to enter the "Course Overview". Click on the flag within the course description and subscribe to the course by using the green arrow on the right.
    • Have a look at the "course info". Enter the "content" view of the course, choose one chapter and add a note.
    • Choose the "bookmark" symbol from the menubar. Create a new folder named CoLex and save the URLs of the course website and the TULKA website to this folder.
    • Click on the "search" symbol to enter the ILIAS search engine. Search for the string "computer" in "all courses". Is there a difference between a search over "keywords" or "full text"? Does it matter whether the string is capitalized? You may also search for the tutors.
    • Use the "Message" function to send a mail message to the tutors (you may write whatever you want ;-) Use "sent messages" to check whether the message has been sent.
    • Enter the "Newsgroups" area, choose the "Forum CoLex 2002" and reply to the "Welcome" message you will find there.
    • Use the "Group List" to get an overview of all working groups in this course. Choose the group "CoLex SS 2002". Have a look at the "Objects in your Group". Choose your work group (Colex_blau or Colex_grün). The folders therein will be essential for the future group activities. The individual and group solutions to the exercises should be saved to this folder.
    • Quit the ILIAS Learning Platform